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Australia Special immigrant Visa for Afghan People

The Australian government announced today that the first 3,000 humanitarian slots available will be allocated to Afghan citizens as part of Australia’s 13,750 annual programs.

Australia will prioritize Afghan citizens through overseas humanitarian programs and prioritize visa processing next year.

The 3,000 humanitarian sites target Australian families and target minorities such as women and girls, men, Hazara and other vulnerable groups.

Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Communities Minister Alex Hawke said the 3,000 humanitarian sites will enable Australia to fulfill its unwavering commitment to the Afghan people.

These 3,000 humanitarian sites are in addition to the 8,500 Afghans that Australia has successfully restored since 2013 as part of our existing humanitarian program,” said Minister Hawke.

The government expects these initial allocations to increase even more this year,” he said.

And for those who come here with this program, Australia has a successful humanitarian resettlement program that will help all Afghan refugees make a success of their new life in Australia,” he said.

In the coming weeks, I will continue to work with the leaders of the Afghanistan-Australia community to put them at risk, focusing on family members, minorities, women, children and other vulnerable groups. and persecuted, ”said.

Today’s announcement of support for Afghanistan reflects Australia’s record of being one of the most generous countries in the world in humanitarian resettlement.

Although the Australian government has a large humanitarian program, our approach to managing migrant releases has not changed. People arriving illegally in Australia by boat do not become permanent residents of Australia.

Australian security remains a top priority for visa applications. All applicants must meet visa standards and nature, safety and health requirements.

To make it easier for our readers, we have put together an advertisement for all of our visitors. Please note that we may not be able to assist you in the process, but they do not apply. Visit the official website for more information on Australian Government Aid. 2021 3,000 visas for Afghanistan

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